For optimal engagement with these select public presentations, open these slides in Google Slides or PowerPoint. This enables you to view the speaker notes, aka an approximate transcript of the presentation, and even change file format.

ACRL DOLS Anti-Racism and EDI Committee Panel

Photo collage of the six panelists. From left to right, top to bottom: Jamila is an Arts and Social Sciences Librarian at Carleton University. Kevin is the Teaching and Learning Librarian for Online Education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Brittni is Learning Technologies and College of Education liaison Librarian at Towson University. Ash is a Teaching & Learning Librarian and Education liaison at Rowan University. Kaiya is a Reference & Instruction Librarian at DePaul University. Melissa is Chair, Collections Strategy & Open Scholarship at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

(Description of event)

What practices are you employing to build anti-racism and EDI into your distance and online learning work?

My colleagues have talked some about how important technology is for teaching and learning is online, and I just want to expand on this by emphasizing that: We must extend the same criticality to technology that we apply to libraries, colleges, and labor. At the individual level, and especially for individuals with budgetary input, that means selecting the most accessible, learner-affordable, open source software and service providers. For instance:

Padlet didn’t offer alt text capabilities until early last year, 2024. When I shared that information with folks requesting a library-wide subscription, they were first shocked (it was 2024, after all!) and then supportive of the decision to not purchase that tool. When that basic accessibility feature was implemented, IT reevaluated requests and moved forward with the purchase.

As the university level, it means establishing ethical edtech values, incorporating diverse users in the technology governance process, and developing a rubric to evaluate enterprise-wide technology requests. This is especially important due to increased marketing of and investment in Generative AI. For instance: Are student concerns and recommendations reflected in university guidance and training for classroom instructors? Are classroom instructors and university administration together in dialog about how contracts with vendors may introduce risks related to security and sustainability?

Finally, are we protecting ourselves and each other by understanding and claiming user privacy? Freedom of Information Act requests related to DEIA work seem to be increasing; do you know how access to personal devices with saved work accounts or two-factor authentication apps may be included in such requests? My own library is seeking guidance on this from both our Office of General Counsel and Office of Technology Services. I encourage your own library to do the same.

Teaching and Learning with AI 2024

Teaching and Learning with AI Ballard 2024 presentation


I am...

In other words: I’m an accessibility evangelist and teacher first, a digital pedagogy practitioner and critical technology enthusiast second, and a teaching-systems-liaison librarian third. These identities—and the inherently associated values of inclusion, critical pedagogy, student-centered learning experience design, privacy, and security—guide my work, including my approach to generative artificial intelligence.

TU Educators Summit 2024

(View TUES in new window)

“The real behavioral question is not 'Do students prefer print OR electronic?' but 'WHEN do they prefer print and WHEN electronic?'” (Mizrachi & Salaz, 2020, p. 816).

Digital reading and annotation are often more affordable, sustainable, convenient, and accessible for learners and scholars. Digital reading and annotation are not, however, the equivalent of their print alternatives: Specific skills, strategies, and confidences must be developed, and different tools must be used. Without direct instruction and consistent practice in digital reading and annotation, the academic success and reading identities of all students are negatively impacted.

MD Tech Connect 2023

(View MDTC in new window)

What did we as CoP leaders do to facilitate the CoP and support tech adoption?

Distance Library Services 2022

Brittni Transcript for I wish I had known this as a distance librarian

My advice is grounded in the acknowledgement that too many people, higher education workers and students alike, have primarily had negative experiences teaching, learning, collaborating, and connecting online. Those past experiences color their present expectations and, by extension, negatively impact future attempts with technology-enhanced interactions. Our most important job as distance library workers, then, may be to loudly and frequently share all that drew us to this work and keeps us doing it. When we share these experiences and visions, we help others realize better alternatives are possible. Ultimately: When we share the positive impacts of eLearning and virtual relationships on health, happiness, productivity, and achievement, we facilitate individual as well as programmatic reimaginings of both distance education and library engagement!

Conference on Academic Library Management 2022

CALM 2022 ADA Accommodations Public.pptx

I’m grateful the accommodation process worked as I’d hoped, but big picture-wise: Disabled folks shouldn’t have to bet on empathetic supervisors, compassionate OHR reps, or timely and accurate medical diagnoses. We shouldn’t have to be unfailingly personable, strategic self-advocates, exceptional workers, or forgiving teachers of our disability in particular and ableism in general. We shouldn’t even have to claim disability. We should, all, just be able to initiate conversations with our employers about the barriers that keep us from doing our best work and the supports that will resolve them. Until we achieve that goal, though, let’s take advantage of the systems we currently have.

Towson Conference for Academic Libraries 2021

TCAL 2021 Cite for more eyes.pptx

Our workshop experience was shaped by these principles for engagement: 

1) Ease of access. We lessened the barrier to entry by not requiring advance registration or product installation;

2) Care. Breaks were built in and folks were encouraged to be only as present as they were able and participate in whatever way made sense, via chat or mic, with camera on or off;

3) Centering lived experience. We emphasized our own limited perspectives and invited participant experiences via brief polls; and

4) Accountability. When our community explicitly tells us or indirectly shows us things that keep them from attending, enjoying, or recommending program, we listen and respond.

Library Instruction Tennessee 2021

LIT 2021 Ableism Slides Public.pptx

Whether teaching online or on-campus, I center disability. I encourage folks to contact me and collaborate however they prefer.  My student hours are flexible and include weeknights and weekends. I stress that, although I’ve done my best to address known issues of inaccessibility, only another human can determine if something is truly accessible. As such, they’re welcome to contact me directly with concerns or submit them anonymously via our library web form. ... Ultimately, this has facilitated some incredible opportunities to work with disabled students previously reluctant to reach out due to library anxiety and discrimination. 

LOEX 2019

LOEX poster final.pdf

2nd Annual iSchool Symposium (UMD-CP)

iSchool Symposium final.pdf

(View TUES in new window)

“The real behavioral question is not 'Do students prefer print OR electronic?' but 'WHEN do they prefer print and WHEN electronic?'” (Mizrachi & Salaz, 2020, p. 816).

Digital reading and annotation are often more affordable, sustainable, convenient, and accessible for learners and scholars. Digital reading and annotation are not, however, the equivalent of their print alternatives: Specific skills, strategies, and confidences must be developed, and different tools must be used. Without direct instruction and consistent practice in digital reading and annotation, the academic success and reading identities of all students are negatively impacted.